The Orphan Dreams
Step into the universe of The Orphan, who in his dream finds a letter from his own mother he has never seen before. While he takes his time to discover the truth about his family, he’s also about to find out the dark secrets of the orphanage.
Videos and Trailers
Old-school style gaming rules
No checkpoints, no retries, no mercy
Hand-drawn graphics
2.5D perspective, allowing both simple controls and a sense of depth
2 full chapters
consisting of diverse levels of both the real and the dream world
A combination of two gameplay mechanics
Fight with monsters and loot chests filled with random items in the dreams world; eat, sleep and explore the orphanage in the real world
Quick time events and various puzzles with time limits
Race against the clock and react fast
Hidden areas and bosses
Designed for multiple playthroughs
Multiple endings
Only the true ending will let you play Chapter 2
An unlockable High-Score Mode
Top your old score
Game Reviews

This game goes from cutesy to completely f***ed up.

Innocent at first, but something dreadful seems to be creeping in from behind the scenes.
Indie Game Magazine

Orphan dreams is definitely one of those rare productions that promises much more than meets the eye.
Kürşat Zaman, Level Online